Volunteer With Advance Arlington

Are you an Arlingtonian with a passion for your community, a commitment to service, and a desire to support Advance Arlington? We want to hear from you. Complete the form below to start a conversation about volunteering with the organization.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Committee Descriptions

Marketing & Communications Committee

Chair: Karen Bate

This committee provides marketing assistance to the organization and other committees by developing program and news announcements, participant registration, website maintenance, and social and news media coordination. It’s responsibilities include content proofing.

membership & OutReach Committee

Chair: Jeanne Broyhill

This committee will develop and renew Advance Arlington's relationships with community organizations and members to grow our membership base.

Program Committee

Chair:  Devanshi Patel

This committee is responsible for suggesting and selecting program issues and panelists and field trips for sponsorship by Advance Arlington and assuring that its recommendations and decisions in these areas are implemented.