John Andelin & Ginger Geoffrey
Jeanne Broyhill
Edd & Anita Nolen
Anonymous Sponsor
Karen Bate
Bean Kinney & Korman
Black Women's Roundtable Virginia
Chanda Choun
Lee Corey
Linc Cummings
Hannah Dannenfelser
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Karen Darner
Martha Foster
Donna Hamaker
Marjorie Hobart
Judith Hughes
Krysta Jones
Whytni Kernodle & Colonel Jean-François Simar
Gary & Vicki Kirkbride
Richard Lolich
Scott McGeary
Chuck Morley
Dylan Montgomery
National Capital Treatment & Recovery
Zuraya Tapia-Hadley
Joseph Ventrone
John Vihstadt
Roland Watkins
Tony Weaver
Betsey Wildhack
Ann Wilson
We are truly grateful for the support of our generous community sponsors. Their vital contributions include a variety of special membership benefits: contact us at to learn more about how your organization can partner with Advance Arlington and support our mission.
Advance Arlington is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations to the organization are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.