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Videos - Program Year (2017-18)

What's Next for Ballston?

Wednesday June 13, 2018


Ballston is changing.  Cranes line the skyline as new buildings are built.  Many universities have centers lining Glebe Road.  New businesses are forming, and new streetscapes are seeking to change the feel of the neighborhood.  Ballston Quarter will open later this year presenting a new shopping experience at the center of the neighborhood.  Three years ago, Committee of 100 looked at the future for Ballston, when many of these changes were still ideas.  Now, we return for an update, to see how those plans are progressing and what lies ahead.


Joining us on our panel:

Tina Leone, CEO of the Ballston Business Improvement District

Will Voegele, Senior VP of Development for Forest City - Ballston Quarter

Brett Synder, CEO of Knucklepuck, a tech company based in Ballston

What Will the Future Hold for the Four Mile Run Valley?

May 9, 2018


The Four Mile Run Valley is one of Arlington’s last unplanned areas. Located between Nauck and Shirlington, this area includes Jennie Dean park, industrial businesses, arts groups, charities, a dog park, service amenities, and Four Mile Run. A diverse community working group has been meeting to figure out how to balance different goals and uses for this area.  After over two years of challenging—and at times acrimonious—deliberation, the County Board will be deciding on the official policy framework for the Four Mile Run Valley at its meeting on May 19th or 22nd. To learn more about the proposals and various interests for the Four Mile Run Valley, come to the Committee of 100 program on Wednesday, May 9th.


First, we will feature a presentation on the proposal from Chikwe Njoku, Project Coordinator and Division Chief with Arlington Department of Community Planning, Housing & Development. Discussion of the issues from Arlintonians representing different interests in the Four Mile Run Valley:

  • Shirley Brothwell, sports
  • Portia Clark, Nauck residents
  • Caroline Haynes, parks
  • Mike Katrivanos, businesses
  • Edie Wilson, Shirlington residents
  • Jeff Zeeman, arts

Each panelist will give a short presentation about their area of interest in the Four Mile Run Valley, and then all speakers will take questions together from attendees.

What will be the impact of the 2018 Tax Cut and Jobs Act on Arlington?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Congress passed and the President signed a major revision to the federal tax laws in December, titled “2017 Jobs and Tax Cut Act.”  The Act was the largest change to Federal tax law since 1986 and contained provisions affecting individuals of all income levels and a wide-range of businesses.  Because of the law’s size, many have raised questions about what impacts it will have for taxpayers and for other levels of government — particularly from changes in rules for deducting mortgage interest and state and local taxes.


As we get ready for “tax day” in April, join the Committee of 100 for an initial assessment of the impact of the Act on Virginia, on Arlington, and on your bottom line. 



Ron Kutscher, former Deputy Director of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 

Carla de la Pava, Arlington County Treasurer who will discuss county-level impacts, and 

Larry Axelrod, a tax attorney and partner with Ivins, Phillips & Barker, will provide a perspective for the corporate and individual taxpayer


How Will Virginia Hospital Center's Expansion Meet Arlington's Needs?

Wednesday March 14, 2018


Arlington’s community and local service organizations have had a hard time keeping up with the county’s population growth and the needs of more residents. Virginia Hospital Center, Arlington's only hospital, is planning to expand into its adjacent property known to meet current healthcare needs and to provide for continued growth.   Join us in March, when our program will focus on how the hospital’s expansion will serve our community’s projected medical needs, the planning of the expanded hospital’s site, and the potential impact of the expansion on the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Our speakers will share their views and provide us with information from all aspects of this proposed expansion.



Adrian Stanton, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Virginia Hospital Center

Nancy Iacomini, Planning Commission, Chair – Virginia Hospital Center Site Planning Review Committee

Tracy Greiner, Chair, Virginia Hospital Center Expansion – Neighborhood Task Force 


How is the Opioid Epidemic Affecting Arlington?

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


There has been a spike in drug overdose deaths and opioid-involved deaths in the United States. In fact, the majority of drug overdose deaths involve an opioid and overdoses from prescription opioids are a driving factor in this 16-year spike. Join us in February when our program will focus on this escalating crisis and its impact on Arlington residents. What is happening in Arlington and are we prepared to adequately respond to this crisis? Our speakers will share their views and inform us on on community efforts.


Guest Speakers:

E. Reed Smith, Operational Medical Director - Arlington County Fire Department (ACFD)

Debby Taylor, Senior Vice President and Executive Director - Phoenix House Mid-Atlantic

William Weaver, Community member



Arlington's Infrastructure: What Do We Need and How Do We Pay for It?

January 10, 2018


There is near unanimous support for building and improving public infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, rails, and sewers.  Many of us have been personally inconvenienced when these systems suddenly fail.  But that only represents part of the whole picture.  What’s really going on with our infrastructure?  More specifically, what are Arlington’s needs and, equally important, how are we going to pay for it?


Join us as the Arlington Committee of 100 discusses Arlington’s infrastructure needs, what changes are coming soon, and what remains on the drawing board.  We will also discuss financing options, including the increasingly popular Public-Private Partnerships. We'll hear from:


Greg Emanuel, Director of the Department of Environmental Services, Arlington County

Jen MayerPrincipal, Concept Jeneration, LLC

Should the Name of Washington-Lee High School be Changed?

Wednesday December 12, 2017


In a tumultuous year, Virginians are taking a fresh look at how we recognize and reconcile our history.  How should we understand monuments to individuals who fought for the Confederacy?  Can we acknowledge the evils of slavery while recognizing the other contributions of those who participated in that terrible system?  What is the right venue for that recognition, and who is deserving of honor in place names, and how should that honor be placed into context?


These questions take different forms throughout the Commonwealth.  Our neighborhoods in Fairfax County recently decided to rename JEB Stuart High School from that of a Confederate general to Justice High School.  Here in Arlington, Washington-Lee High School shares its names between the commanders of the Continental and Confederate armies.  Should its name be changed too?



Michael Beer (in favor of changing the name)

John Peck (in favor of keeping the name)

Campbell Palmer (parent to share recent name-change experience from JEB Stuart/Justice HS)


How are Community Organizations in Arlington Responding to Changes in Federal Immigration Policy and Enforcement?

[The second program in a two-part series]

Wednesday November 8, 2017


At our September program, we heard from officials from Arlington Public Schools and the Arlington Sheriff's office about how federal immigration policy impacts local matters. We also heard from a legal expert who gave us a lay of the land. But it is not just local government officials who are adjusting to changes in immigration policy and enforcement. Community organizations and non-profits are navigating this rapidly-changing environment as well. What changes have they observed as they work to fulfill their missions? What are they observing amongst the community members they serve? And how does this impact Arlington overall?


We will explore this topic on November 8, 2017, in the second installment of a two-part series. The goal of the series is to explore how Arlington institutions have responded to changes in federal policy rather than debate the merits of the policies themselves. As a neutral, non-partisan organization focused on local issues, the Committee of 100 seeks to create a forum for community education and civil discussion. We invite you to join this conversation at the November program, where we will hear from the following speakers:


Bethlehem Desta, Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)

Charles Meng, Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC)

Emma Violand-Sanchez, The Dream Project


Credit: Kimberly Klingler
Credit: Kimberly Klingler

This topic was covered in two programs:

Part One focused on the local response from public institutions (i.e., schools, law enforcement, etc.). Scroll down to see the video of Part One.


Part Two on November 8, 2017 will focus on the local response from community nonprofits and civic organizations.


Debate - Candidates for Arlington County Board and School Board

Wednesday October 11, 2017

The Committee of 100 presents the Arlington candidates standing in the General Election on November 7th:

Audrey Clement, COUNTY BOARD
Audrey Clement, COUNTY BOARD
Erik Gutshall, COUNTY BOARD
Erik Gutshall, COUNTY BOARD
Charles McCullough, COUNTY BOARD
Charles McCullough, COUNTY BOARD
Alison Dough, SCHOOL BOARD
Alison Dough, SCHOOL BOARD
Monique O'Grady, SCHOOL BOARD
Monique O'Grady, SCHOOL BOARD

This is the first time that the Committee of 100 is hosting candidates for both County Board and School board, giving attendees the opportunity to ask questions about issues that affect both boards.

Scott Brodbeck
Scott Brodbeck

The debate will be moderated by Scott Brodbeck, Founder of ARLnow. Following opening statements, the candidates will have a chance to ask a question of each other. Then, members of the audience will be able to submit questions for the candidates via note cards that will be distributed and collected from attendees. The moderator will select the questions from those submitted on the cards. Join the conversation.

How is Arlington Impacted by Changes in Federal Immigration Policy and Enforcement? 

[The first program in a two-part series]

September 13, 2017


The Trump Administration has brought immigration policy and enforcement to the forefront of discussion. From the Supreme Court opining on a travel ban to immigrantparents weighing the safety of sending their children to school, it is clear that changes in immigration policy are affecting people in all walks of life. So how is this affecting Arlingtonians? What happens when Arlington County receives a request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? What impacts are educators observing amongst families in Arlington Public Schools (APS)? And what can we expect next?


The Arlington Committee of 100 will explore this topic in a two-part series this September and November. In September, we invite you to hear from Dr. Laura Newton (Director of Student Services, APS), David Kidwell (Deputy Sheriff, Arlington County), and Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg (Legal Director, Legal Aid Justice Center). We'll continue the conversation in November, when we talk with community groups and residents about rapid developments in immigration. 

This topic was covered in two programs:

Part One focused on the local response from public institutions (i.e., schools, law enforcement, etc.). 


Part Two focused on the local response from community nonprofits and civic organizations.


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