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Videos - Program Year (2019-2020)

Local Historian Charlie Clark on Arlington & Alexandria: A Diplomatic History (SPECIAL BONUS PROGRAM)

Wednesday July 8, 2020


The Committee of 100 is pleased to host a program to commemorate the centennial of Arlington's 1920's re-naming. Come learn about Arlington's previous name, its relationship to Alexandria, and other interesting lessons from history.


Charlie Clark is a historian, author, and Falls Church News-Press columnist.

Candidate Debate - County Board Special Election (WEBINAR)

Wednesday June 10, 2020


On July 7, Arlington County is having a special election to fill the County Board vacancy created due to the untimely death of Erik Gutshall. The Arlington Committee of 100 is hosting a debate between the candidates, via Zoom webinar.



Bob Cambridge, Republican nominee

Susan Cunningham, Independent nominee

Takis Karantonis, Democratic nominee

(From left to right): Bob Cambridge, Susan Cunningham, Takis Karantonis
(From left to right): Bob Cambridge, Susan Cunningham, Takis Karantonis

Criminal Justice Reform in Arlington (WEBINAR)

Wednesday May 13, 2020


There’s a criminal justice reform movement taking place in Arlington that focuses on an agenda for a smarter, more equitable, more compassionate judicial approach. Join a panel of Arlington stakeholders in the middle of reform to discuss their priorities and learn how the system has had to make adjustments in dealing with COVID-19.



Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, Commonwealth's Attorney for Arlington/Falls Church

Brad Haywood, Public Defender for Arlington/Falls Church

Beth Arthur, Sheriff, Arlington County


Moderated by Dr. Lynn Juhl, Chair, Committee of 100

(From left to right): Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, Brad Haywood, Beth Arthur
(From left to right): Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, Brad Haywood, Beth Arthur

Arlington in Action: Responding to COVID-19 (WEBINAR)

Wednesday April 22, 2020


Arlington has been one of the hardest hit communities in the commonwealth for COVID-19. Join us to learn more about how Arlington is responding and what you can do to stay safe and help others. Participants will be able to submit questions for our speakers during our Q&A time.



Libby Garvey, Chair, Arlington County Board

Zachary Pope, Emergency Manager, Arlington Public Schools

Dr. Reuben Varghese, Public Health Director, Arlington County

Karen Coltrane, CEO, Leadership Center for Excellence


Moderated by Lynn Juhl, Chair, Committee of 100

Tour of The Heights Building

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


The Heights is the new home of Arlington Public Schools H-B Woodlawn and Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program (formerly the Stratford Program). The Heights was newly finished for the 2019-20 school year and is located in a compact urban site in Rosslyn, designed for up to 775 students. Conceptually, the building is conceived as a stack of five rectangular floor plates that rotate around a fixed pivot point. Green terraces above each floor become an extension of the classroom, creating an indoor-outdoor learning landscape. It is on track to achieve LEED Gold build certification.


Join us for a special program to learn about the curriculum and culture at The Heights, and to tour the impressive new building. We'll hear from faculty and students about their experience.

How Does Vaping Affect Kids in Arlington?

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


E-cigarettes have been on the market for more than a decade and are viewed by some as helping smokers move away from the harmful carcinogens in traditional cigarettes.  However, in recent years “vaping” use by youth has spiked, resulting in increased scrutiny from parents, schools, and regulators. In 2018, about 4 million teenagers vaped regularly – a 78% increase from the previous year. E-cigarette companies have also faced criticism for marketing and products that some say were designed to appeal to youth – and have now focused efforts on curbing use by minors. But will it be enough? How does vaping show up in our schools? What is the public health impact? And what does the future hold for the regulation and use of vaping?


Join us for this important discussion. We’ll hear from:

Jenny Sexton, Substance Abuse Counselor for Arlington Public Schools

Dr. Reuben Varghese, Public Health Director for Arlington County

Dylan D. Bishop, Esq. Lobbyist for Virginia Smoke Free Association

How Does Race Impact Student Experience in Arlington Public Schools?

Wednesday January 8, 2020


Arlington Public Schools has a strong reputation for educational achievement and is ranked as the top school system in Virginia. APS meets or exceeds the state average pass rate on Standards of Learning (SOL) tests across the entire student population. However, the same SOL data show disparities in the pass rates across students of different races. Beyond test data, Arlington residents have raised concerns that students of different races receive different treatment in areas including school discipline, class selection, and other areas. C-100’s January program seeks to explore the impact of race on student experience from different perspectives. Our speakers include:


An APS Parent: Whytni H. Kernodle, Esq., Vice President, Black Parents of Arlington.

An APS Student: Zoe Davis, a sophomore at Yorktown High School.

APS Educators: Cintia Z. Johnson, Interim Superintendent Arlington Public Schools and Carolyn Jackson, Supervisor, Equity & Excellence, Arlington Public Schools

Should the Virginia General Assembly Vote to Amend the Virginia Constitution and Pass Redistricting Reform?

Wednesday December 11, 2019


Earlier this year, the Virginia General Assembly took the first step in passing a constitutional amendment to end partisan gerrymandering in the commonwealth. In order for the amendment to make to Virginia voters, the legislature must first pass an identical version in the 2020 session. While the amendment passed in 2019 with overwhelming bipartisan support, its chances of passage in the 2020 session are far from certain.


Join us to hear the pros and cons of a constitutional amendment. Our speakers are:

Brian Cannon, Executive Director, OneVirginia 2021

Delegate Mark Levine, D - 45th District: Counties of Arlington (part) and Fairfax (part); City of Alexandria (part)

Scott Bledso, PhD Candidate in Political Science, George Mason University

From left to right: Brian Cannon, Del. Mark Levine, Scott Bledso
From left to right: Brian Cannon, Del. Mark Levine, Scott Bledso

Affordable Housing - Is Density our Destiny?

November 13, 2019


Arlington is experiencing a shortage of affordable housing. One idea worth examining is to adjust our zoning laws to allow greater variety of housing types in single family areas (e.g. duplexes or fourplexes) to allow for the development of multi-family properties along transportation corridors. Join us to hear from our speakers about challenges and possible solutions:


Michelle McDonough Winters, Executive Director of the Alliance for Housing Solutions

Peter Rousselot, former member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Virginia and former Chair of the Arlington County Democratic Committee

Jeannette Chapman, Deputy Director, The Stephen S. Fuller Institute at the Schar School, GMU

Pictured left to right: Michelle McDonough Winters, Peter Rousselot, and Jeannette Chapman
Pictured left to right: Michelle McDonough Winters, Peter Rousselot, and Jeannette Chapman

Arlington County Board - Candidate Forum

Wednesday October 9, 2019


The Arlington Committee of 100 is proud to host a candidate forum for November’s County Board Member election. Join us to hear from candidates (in alphabetical order, left to right): Audrey Clement, Katie Cristol, Christian Dorsey, and Arron O'Dell.

Video is unavailable

How Can Arlington Better Serve English Language Learners?

Wednesday September 11, 2019


In 2019, Arlington Public Schools (APS) signed an agreement with the US Department of Education over allegations that APS has provided inadequate help for students learning English. While APS did not admit to any violation by signing the agreement, failure to comply could have meant that APS was in violation of the 1974 Equal Education Opportunities Act, which requires schools to provide the same opportunities for all students regardless of race, gender, or language. How did we get here? What does good policy and practice for English Language Learners look like? Lastly, what does this settlement mean, and how will the community know that English Language Learners are being served well?


Join us to explore this topic and hear from the following speakers:

Gabriela UroDirector for English Language Learner Policy and Research for the Council of the Great City Schools

Samuel Klein, Supervisor, Office of English Language Learners, Arlington Public Schools